
Seed Quick-Facts


Trego, Arlin, and Jagger (KS11HW39-5-4)

Variety Protection Status

PVP with Title V

Year of Release



Kansas State University

Optimal Economic Use

Grain or Grain plus limited grazing

Buy Joe
Joe Field

Variety Highlights

Moderately Resistant to WSMV
Moderately Resistant to stripe, leaf and stem rusts
Very good overall yield record

This variety from Kansas Wheat Alliance is a hard white wheat with a pedigree consisting of KSU experimental lines related to Trego, Arline, and Jagger. Joe is medium-late maturity, medium-tall, with a well-stocked disease package indicating moderate resistance to stripe rust and resistance to leaf rust and WSMV. It also shows good milling and baking qualities. Joe is a strong variety and high yielding for western Kansas as a white wheat.

It tested well again in Kansas, Colorado and Oklahoma yielding in the top tier. It carries the WSM2 gene, offering effective resistance to WSMV available. Intermediate pre-harvest sprouting tolerance.


  • Resistant to WSMV
  • Rust Resistance
  • Yield Potential

Where to grow

Insect & Disease Tolerance
Agronomic Characteristics

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Unauthorized Propagation Prohibited – to Be Sold by Variety name Only As a Class of Certified Seed – U.S. Protected Variety – 1994 PVPA.