PVP with Title V
Kansas State University - Agricultural Research Center - Hays
Grain Only
This new release variety from Kansas Wheat Alliance is a hard red winter wheat with a pedigree of Byrd and KS05HW121-2. KS Western Star is a medium maturity and medium-tall statured variety. It had greater yields than any hard red wheat varieties in the KIN tests in 2017 and 2018, including Tatanka, WB-Grainfield, SY Monument, T158, Langin, and Larry. On average over the two years, it yielded more than any common check varieties, including Joe.
KS Western Star has resistances to stripe rust, leaf rust and soilborne mosaic virus.
It has very good straw strength and grain shattering resistance along with good milling and baking qualities.
Unauthorized Propagation Prohibited – to Be Sold by Variety name Only As a Class of Certified Seed – U.S. Protected Variety – 1994 PVPA.