Walker Ag Services

(620) 492-2506
P.O. Box 724, Johnson, KS, 67855

Walker Ag Services has been in the seed business for over forty years, and we’ve farmed for generations. Each year we research first and then test plant different varieties on our farm, selecting those that will work in southwest Kansas and southeastern Colorado. With the new advances in breeding technology, varietal improvement is more rapid than ever before. Higher levels of drought tolerance and performance are becoming available and can be missed if the more improved varieties are not used.

Because every farm has unique needs, we offer varieties for both irrigated and dryland, red and white varieties for different end users, and dual-purpose varieties that can provide forage or pasture in addition to grain. We successfully use these varieties on our own farm, and we won’t sell them if they don’t work for us.

With the economics of farming today, it is imperative that inputs be used effectively. Dave Walker is a certified agronomist and can assist you with agronomic issues such as variety selection, seeding and fertilizer rates, pest issues, etc. Please feel free to call him anytime.

Walker Ag Services is currently producing Certified Joe and KS Silverado from the Kansas Wheat Alliance. We appreciate your business and look forward to working with you to increase your bottom line.

We are proud to offer these Kansas Wheat Alliance Varieties

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  • Moderately Resistant to WSMV
  • Moderately Resistant to stripe, leaf and stem rusts
  • Very good overall yield record
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KS Dallas

  • Resistant to WSMV
  • High yield potential
  • Good drought tolerance
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KS Silverado

  • High yielding
  • Very good disease package
  • Strong straw strength
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KS Big Bow

  • High yield potential
  • Drought resistance
  • Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus resistance
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KS Territory

  • High Yield Potential
  • WSMV and TriMV resistance
  • Drought tolerance
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KS Bill Snyder

  • Very High Yield Potential
  • WSMV and TRIMV Resistance
  • High Tillering Capacity
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